Monday, 30 December 2013

Christmas carols from Romania

Carol is one of the most popular winter traditions .

Winter Carols are songs to celebrate Christian ritual texts , dedicated to Christmas and New Year. Their origin is lost in the ancient history of our people. Over the centuries they became more beautiful and have gained a great variety throughout the country . They transmit a festive atmosphere and mood that all Romanians welcome the Nativity Feast and New Year.

Recalling when the birth of Jesus , the star that guided the three wise men appeared in the sky , children go from house to house singing carols and carrying with them a star.

“Pluguşorul” is an ancient custom that, in New Year's Eve , groups of children go to people's houses and speak different wishes . They are accompanied by a small plough , hence the name of the carol .

The news of the Savior is widespread carols each year falling in each house by carol singers . These hosts are rewarded with fruit (apples , walnuts ) , coils , candy and even money .


Sarbatori fericite tuturor!

 Happy New year to all!



  1. we have similar traditions regarding treats and carols. Thank you for the videos, so sweet!
    The pupils drom 13th school, Drama, Greece

  2. Children sing and look lovely!
