Monday, 30 December 2013

Christmas carols from Romania

Carol is one of the most popular winter traditions .

Winter Carols are songs to celebrate Christian ritual texts , dedicated to Christmas and New Year. Their origin is lost in the ancient history of our people. Over the centuries they became more beautiful and have gained a great variety throughout the country . They transmit a festive atmosphere and mood that all Romanians welcome the Nativity Feast and New Year.

Recalling when the birth of Jesus , the star that guided the three wise men appeared in the sky , children go from house to house singing carols and carrying with them a star.

“Pluguşorul” is an ancient custom that, in New Year's Eve , groups of children go to people's houses and speak different wishes . They are accompanied by a small plough , hence the name of the carol .

The news of the Savior is widespread carols each year falling in each house by carol singers . These hosts are rewarded with fruit (apples , walnuts ) , coils , candy and even money .


Sarbatori fericite tuturor!

 Happy New year to all!


Sunday, 22 December 2013

New Year Song

Hello , We sang a new year song.The lyrics of this song express happiness for the oncoming new year.Special thanks to Funda Altıntaş, teacher of the class 4-B,for her precious help with preparing this lovely song.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Christmas presents and cards four our European friends

Hello to everyone!
These are the greeting cards that we have prepared for you: let's hope they arrive in time!

Christmas is also a time for gifts! For our loved ones we have decorated a small glass dish. It was not easy, but we like the result so much!

Bye from Italy!

Friday, 20 December 2013

Christmas carols from F2 class, Drama, Greece

We made the Christmas cards for you. We hope that you will receive them on time

We are singing a famous traditional Christmas carol of northern Greece. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all!
Καλά Χριστούγεννα
Ευτυχισμένος ο καινούριος χρόνος!

Thursday, 19 December 2013


In Spain, it was a tradition that children and young people sang carols door to door or at the main streets. Nowadays we sing carols with the family, especially in Christmas Eve.
 A lot of children learn carols at schools and sing them in festivals. This is not a traditional carol, but it's that we’re preparing for our school: “La luz que nace en ti”. It’s sung by La oreja de Van Gogh, a Spanish pop music group. If you you like you can watch the original video in
 From Spain we wish you  HAPPY / FELIZ / SZCZĘŚLIWY / MUTLU / Ευτυχισμένο /FELICE / FERICIT / LAIMINGAS 2014!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Traditional Greek carols

On Christmas and New Year's eve, part of the tradition is to sing carols from door to door. The carols are mostly wishes for health, prosperity, good luck and blessing. There are hundreds of different carols from all regions of Greece, both mainland and islands.
In the video that follows we sang a traditional carol from Ikaria island (Agean sea).
The lyrics of this carol are wishes to the master of the house to see his children grow up and be beautiful, successful and all family to be wealthy and happy. In exchange for the good wishes, the singers ask from the householder to treat them with wine ("Valte mas krasi na pioume" = βάλτε μας κρασί να πιουμε...).

Valuable help for rehearsal and performing was our music teacher Thanasis Koulentianos. The traditional musical instrument he has is named Kanun (or Qanun) [see info in:]

Happy holidays! Καλές γιορτές!

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Autumn colours in Lithuania
red- raudona
yellow- geltona
green- žalia
brown- ruda
orange- oranžiė
black- juoda
blue- mėlyna
white- balta

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Jigsaw Puzzle

We give you a Jigsaw Puzzle formed from our homework. Enjoy!

Colours in Turkish

Turkish translations of colours are as follows ;
Red                    : Kırmızı
Green                : Yeşil
Blue                  : Mavi
Yellow               : Sarı
Orange             : Turuncu
Black               : Siyah
White               : Beyaz

Below you can hear the pronunciations of colours in Turkish in the same order with the above translations.

Colours of our Flags

We thought of working on the flags of the partner countries of our project as a theme for colours.We hope you enjoy.

Turkish lyrics of the Song about Colours


Hep sarıdır elbiselerim
Ben bu rengi pek çok severim
Sonbaharı cicim
Çok sevdiğim için
Hep sarıdır elbiselerim

Hep yeşildir elbiselerim
Ben bu rengi pek çok severim
İlkbaharı cicim 
Çok sevdiğim için
Hep yeşildir elbiselerim

Hep mavidir elbiselerim
Ben bu rengi pek çok severim
Gökyüzünü cicim
Çok sevdiğim için
Hep mavidir elbiselerim

Hep kırmızıdır elbiselerim
Ben bu rengi pek çok severim
Ay yıldızı cicim 
Çok sevdiğim için 
Hep kırmızıdır elbiselerim

      December 1st is National Day of Romania.
              Happy Birthday, Romania!
We present our favorite colors: red -rosu, yellow-galben and blue-albastru.

Friday, 29 November 2013

We answered the crossword puzzle about colours

Hello :)We learned colours a couple of weeks ago.We practiced the names of colours and how to ask colours of things with your crossword puzzle.We also tried to write Greek names of colours.

Good morning friends!

and so we made silhouettes of leaves with colored paper to hang on the window panes: the colors are those of autumn in Milan, yellow, orange, red and a little green!

Bye from Italy! 

Thursday, 28 November 2013

cool and warm colours

Hello our friends. We decided to work on the cool and warm colours and made some drawings with them.

Cool colours are based on blue, that is blue, purple and green and intermediate shades, causing a mixture of feelings of serenity, calm, relax and sometimes melancholy. In contrast, warm colours are based on red, that is yellow, orange, red and brown and intermediate shades, causing stimulation, action and euphoria.

the names of the  COOL colours that we used are: 

and the WARM colours we used are:


Bellow we present you our work. We hope that you will like them :)

1st primary school of Drama, the pupils of F2 class

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Colours of the rainbow

We thought as a good idea to present you the colours of rainbow. As we studied and discussed about it we learned that people can only see a rainbow after the rain and they must be standing with their back to the sun.
So, we made a collage with a rainbow as a "digital gift" to all of you :)

But since you can not actually own the collage, here is a crossword in English to test your skills.

Add to that, we made another crossword with the same definitions but you have to fill it in with the Greek names of the colours.

In order to help you more, we give you the definitions and the Greek translations in capital letters. Enjoy!








Sunday, 24 November 2013

Our Homework

Hello :) We did some homework for our English lesson about what we've learned so far.We want to share them with you.We'll soon upload what we've done about colours.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Hi everybody!
About colors ... here's a photo with IV A that answers the question: "What is your favourite colour?"
Small “legenda”  English - Italian:
red is ROSSO
light blue is AZZURRO
black is NERO
green is VERDE
pink is ROSA
Yellow is GIALLO
orange is ARANCIONE

Hello from Turkey,

                                             Happy teachers' day to you all 

Happy Teachers' Day

Monday, 18 November 2013

Hello everybody!
We are the Class IV A, our school is near Milan, Italy.
In the picture we are right on the roof of the cathedral of Milan!
We are very happy to be part of this project, we hope to become friends!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Get to know us....

Children in Romania is presented ...

Hello from Romania

  Hi everyone,
We are students in third grade. We are very excited to make new friends and learn many interesting things together.


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Hi again! Here's a recording of Polish students' greetings in English, Spanish and Polish.
Hi there!

Here's a full video presentation of greetings in English and Polish.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Greetings from 1st primary school, Drama

Hello dear partners
We faced some problems and we apologise for being a bit late. We enjoyed your greetings and we tried our own.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Greeks try some Spanish :)

As soon as we saw the Spanish greetings we wanted to make our attempt in this video!
It was as pleasant as the Turkish greetings. Foreign languages are great to learn!
Even more, we found out that many Greek and Spanish names are similar. In this video we present some of them. Enjoy!

Greetings from Poland

Here's a short presentation of greetings in Polish. I had some problems with films and thus there's one, but the audio material includes all greetings. Soon I'll add films.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Below, you can see us trying to say Greek greetings. :)

Class 4B

Turkish and Greek Greetings

Hello, we, 4th graders class 4A and class 4B, tried to say Greek greetings. We are taking English lesson for the first time this year. We learned English greetings last month. Now we try Greek greetings. Learning foreign languages is fun !!! Being in this project with you and learning together makes us feel happy and motivated. 

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Greek and Turkish greetings

Hello :) We tried the Turkish greetings. Not so easy but we did it! We cannot wait to learn greetings from the other countries too. We will say every day a greeting in a different language.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Greetings from Greece

The most common greetings in Greek language are the following:
Hello= Γεια σου
Good morning= καλημέρα 
Good afternoon= καλησπέρα 
Good evening= καλό απόγευμα
Goodnight= καληνύχτα.
We also say: 
"Nice to meet you" =Χάρηκα
"How are you?" = Τι κάνεις;

Bellow you can see some photos with these phrases and we also recorded ourselves pronouncing the greetings. I hope that you will enjoy trying to learn Greek greetings.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Hello from Primary School in Kobiernice, Poland. 

We are in 6th grade, so we're 13 years old.

Happy to be in the project!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Hello from Ankara , Turkey

  We are 4th graders and we are really happy and excited to be in this project with you.We are looking forward to learning about your languages.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Hello from Drama, Greece

Hello everyone
We are the pupils of 4th grade and we are very happy that we will spend this school year together and learn about your languages.