Wednesday 29 January 2014

School Day of Non-violence and Peace

This event is very special for us this year because we can share it with our schoolmates from other countries. We have used words in your languages related with this important Day. We're very happy learning with you¡

Friday 24 January 2014

Semester Vacations

Hello :) We are taking a break for two weeks.We 'll be back to school on 10th of February.We are hoping to meet you after the vacations on February's topic with a traditional recipe from Turkish cuisine.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Monday 6 January 2014


Hi there!

Happy New Year to everybody here! Thank you all for your Xmas and NY cards. They're so so so so so pretty! Hope you got cards from us and you like them, too. Very soon I'll upload some material about celebrations and cards. Now the project which we hot behind the time.