Wednesday 11 June 2014

Thank you all for a fantastic work!
We enjoyed it a lot and we are sad to say goodbye.
Here's a short farewell film.

Have a nice holiday!

Monday 2 June 2014

Evaluating the project

The school year is almost at the end. Our eTwinning project gave us the opportunity to get a little closer, know about each other and become familiarized with foreign languages.
Although English was the main vehicle for our communication, we presented some pieces of our languages, words, meanings, sounds, recordings with the help of several ICT tools.
As a final activity, we and our students will contribute on the padlet sharing our feelings for the project and our web-hosted friendship.
It was a pleasure to meet you and work with you all.
Happy summer holidays!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Skype meeting of Drama Greece and Kobiernice Poland

Few days we had an online meeting with Polish students. In our discusion through skype we had a good time.At the begining there were some technival problems with our microphone.When the problem was solved we were able to comnunicate and ask them about their school and their life there.We learned that there are a few pupils in their class and they have differend lessons from us.They asked us how many pupils there are in our school and how beautiful our scool is. We were impresed by the fact that students in Poland have pets in their classrooms. In the end we said goodbye to eachother and promised to comnunicate in the future.

Students of F2 class, 1st primary school of Drama, Greece

Thursday 22 May 2014

another meeting on skype

One month ago, one of our partners, Cigdem, got transferred to a new school. So unfortunately, Saimecadin primary school is not in our partnership any more :(
Yet, the pupils in Cigdem's new school wanted to know about us and our project and we arranged a meeting on skype on Wednesday. We introduced ourselves, exchanged information about our schools, we laughed and had a great time. 
The pupils from Kazım Orbay Primary school sung for us a lovely song as you can see in the video bellow. Two girls also played for us a nice melody with their musical instruments.
As my pupils noticed, our school is very small compared to the Turkish school which had more than 1200 pupils! My pupils enjoyed it because they finally overcome their shyness and embarrassment and managed to speak in English. They wished we could have more meetings using skype. Well, maybe next year, in a next project ;)

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Skype meeting between Greece and Lithuania

Today we had another skype meeting, this time with the pupils from Lithuania.
A bit shy at first but curious enough to gather around the web camera. We started by introducing ourselves and we exchanged some information about our schools, the lessons, and the time schedule. We found many similarities! It was a pleasant feeling to know these similarities.
Yet, there are differences like the weather which is not the same. In Greece the temperature has started to rise!
Add to that, we found out that we do not have the same currency. So we had the opportunity to present to each other some coins and banknotes. In Greece is the Euro and in Lithuania is the Litas.
According to the myth, Europe was a beautiful princess, who was abducted by Zeus. Zeus one day saw Europe among other young women and was so struck by her beauty and her charms that he transformed into a bull and made her sit on his back and went to Crete. Europe's myth inspired many artists and eventually she became immortal after her name was given to the continent.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Skype meeting between Greece and Spain

chat with our e-Twinning friends
Today we were very happy to meet our friends from spain online via the Skype tool.
There were some sound and connection problems of minor importance since schools do not always have the best technical equipment but it was not that serious.
Although the pupils were a bit shy and embarrassed to speak in English in front of a camera, they enjoyed the meeting very much. For more than an hour we exchanged information about our school life and learned a lot from each other. Once again we realised that we have so many similarities even though we live so far from each other. 
It was a great experience! Cheers :-)

Thursday 20 March 2014

Spanish - Greek omelette

Yesterday Markella's parents contributed to our project by preparing for us the Spanish omelette.
As Markella said, her father went to buy the ingredients and early in the morning her mother started to chop and fry the potatoes. It was almonst 1.15 p.m when her father showed up in our class whith the delicious omelette. We were so hungry and happy that the omelette was gone very fast.
We realised once again that all countries participating in this project  have so many common things to join us!

Add to that, parents feel pleased to contribute in their children's school life :-)

Monday 10 March 2014

Italian salami, Greek style

As all children do, we love sweets and cocoa. We are very lucky to have Chrysa's mother who decided to prepare the Italian salami for us. As you can imagine, the recipe was delicious :-) and of course we eat it all!

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Tzatziki recipe F2 class, Greece

Hello our friends :-)
Since you offered us such great recipes, we thought to present you a dressing for meals. 
It is called Tzatziki (τζατζίκι), it is refreshing and easy to make. We hope that you will try it and like it like we did.

1 cucumber (αγγούρι)
1 clove of garlic (σκόρδο)
a pinch of salt (αλάτι)
1 spoonful of olive oil (λάδι ελιάς)
500 g drained yogurt(στραγγιστό γιαούρτι)

1. you peel the cucumber
2. grate it in small pieces or cut it in cubes and squeeze it in your hands, so as the tzatziki won't become watery.
3. grate the garlic finely
4. mix the yogurt with the cucumber, the oil, the salt and the garlic in a big bowl.
5. When served you can decorate it with a couple of olives and some dill leaves.

Monday 3 March 2014

Peel                        Pelar
Cut                         Cortar
Fry                          Freír
Beat                        Batir
Stir                         Mezclar

Skype meeting between Greece and Turkey

The original idea of trying a skype meeting was from Cigdem and the pupils of Saimekadin.
Drama and Ankara are on the same time zone so there was no particular problem to arrange our meeting. Tuesday 10a.m. We sang native songs, asked questions and learned a lot from each other. We had a great time so we thought to repeat these meetings with the other eTwinning partners too.

Bellow there is a brief video from Saimekadin pupils.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Valentine's Day

Here are links to short films about Valentine's vocabulary with a Polish love song:) /Made by Kuba/
Press picture to go to the film.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Greek traditional recipe: Lentil soup

Today we cooked a traditional and very popular recipe in Greece: The lentil soup. 
Most families eat at least 3-4 times per month such a soup.
While served in a deep plate or bowl, many people like to add some drops of vinegar.
We hope that you will try it and like it as we do :) 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Our Valentine cards for friendship

These are our cards. We used many symbols because we want to share the message of friendship with our eTwinning partners :)
We used knots and ribbons to present the bonds among friends. The earth patterns show that all people can live in harmony with mutual respect. The little house and the tree represent the need of a peaceful and happy home for all children.


I hope there are no spelling mistakes. Unfortunately the keyboard does not support the symbols above letters.

Greetings from Greece, 13th primary school of Drama :)

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Hello friends!

We are thinking about the recipe to post as  argument in February ...

It will be something sweet and delicious but easy to prepare.

We will do it in class, probably with the help of mums!

The IV A, Italy

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Valentine cards from Italy

Hello! Here is a photo of our Valentine cards! We have just mailed ... they're coming!

Wednesday 29 January 2014

School Day of Non-violence and Peace

This event is very special for us this year because we can share it with our schoolmates from other countries. We have used words in your languages related with this important Day. We're very happy learning with you¡

Friday 24 January 2014

Semester Vacations

Hello :) We are taking a break for two weeks.We 'll be back to school on 10th of February.We are hoping to meet you after the vacations on February's topic with a traditional recipe from Turkish cuisine.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Monday 6 January 2014


Hi there!

Happy New Year to everybody here! Thank you all for your Xmas and NY cards. They're so so so so so pretty! Hope you got cards from us and you like them, too. Very soon I'll upload some material about celebrations and cards. Now the project which we hot behind the time.